How to Convert CGPA to Percentage? - CGPA Calculator
Have you ever heard of a tool that rapidly calculates your % based on your CGPA? Grad-Dreams has enabled this. You may receive your % in seconds with Grad-Dreams' new online tool. You no longer need to look for calculators. With a single click, you may obtain an exact percentage.
All you have to do is enter your CGPA and press the compute button. Take advantage of Grad-Dreams' free time-saving platform designed for students' convenience. Learn about the universities that accept your GPA/CGPA. Grad-Dreams can help you identify relevant colleges after a full profile evaluation and with documents, application, admission, financial planning, and VISA processing.
GPA, CGPA, and % are all the education system's grading methods. These systems of grading are used to assess a student's academic achievement. Many nations, including India, employ the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system. The CGPA is the average of all grade points earned in all topics or courses during a certain period. However, while applying for admission or employment, students frequently need to convert their CGPA to % or vice versa. This page will go through many CGPA and percentage calculators, their benefits, and conversion methods.
What is CGPA exactly?
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) measures a student's academic achievement in a certain academic program or course. It is computed by taking the average of a student's grade points from all courses or disciplines taken within a given semester or academic year.
Each grade obtained by a student is assigned a grade point value, normally in the range of 0 to 4 or 0 to 10, depending on the academic institution's grading system. For example, an "A" grade may be allocated a grade point of 4, but a "B" grade would be assigned a grade point of 3. The CGPA is then computed by adding the grade scores for all courses taken and dividing the total number of courses taken.
Many educational systems across the world, notably at higher education institutions, employ CGPA. It is used to evaluate a student's academic achievement and is frequently used to determine academic standing, scholarships, and other types of recognition.
How to Compute CGPA from GPs?
Let's examine how to compute CGPA from subject grade points (GPs). First, add the GPs of 5 subjects, omitting the extra courses, then divide the total by 5 to get your CGPA. For instance, if you received a 7 in Math, a 10 in English, a 9 in French, a 10 in Science, and an 8 in Social Studies, your CGPA would be (7+10+9+10+8)/5 = 8.8.
Grading system
The grading system used to assign grade points differs per
Most universities in India use a 10-point grading system. The
followings are the grade points and their related grades:
Sr.No. | Grade Point | Grade |
1 | 10 | A+ |
2 | 9 | A |
3 | 8 | B+ |
4 | 7 | B |
5 | 6 | C+ |
6 | 5 | C |
7 | 0 | F (Fail) |
How to Calculate/Convert CGPA into percentage?
To convert CGPA into a percentage, multiply the CGPA by a
conversion factor. The conversion factor varies according to the
educational institution and grading system. However, the most
typical conversion factor is 9.5 for a 10-point CGPA scale and 5
for a 4-point CGPA scale. Here's how to use the 9.5 conversion
factor to convert CGPA to percentage:
First, divide the CGPA by 9.5.
The resultant figure is the CGPA's percentage equivalent.
For example, if a student has a CGPA of 8.5 on a scale of 10, the
percentage equivalent is:
8.5 x 9.5 = 80.75%
As a result, the student's CGPA equivalent in percentage is
Why Convert CGPA to Percentage?
Both CGPA and % are academic success measurements. However, they are stated differently. CGPA is a weighted average of a student's grade points earned in all courses completed during a specified period. The percentage is a basic depiction of a student's marks earned in a specific course or test.
While the CGPA is widely utilised in many educational institutions, certain employers or further education institutions may prefer to see academic success reported in percentage terms. This is because % is a more known and basic academic accomplishment metric commonly used worldwide.
Converting CGPA to % also makes comparing academic achievement across different educational systems and grading scales possible. In addition, it offers a standardised method of describing academic performance, which can be valuable for entrance to higher education institutions or employment applications that demand a standardised assessment of academic success.
Furthermore, there may be minimum percentage criteria for admittance to further education institutions or career prospects in some circumstances, and converting CGPA to % might assist in determining if a student fits such requirements.
CGPA to Percentage Conversion
For students who need to show their academic achievement in percentage terms, CGPA to Percentage conversion is crucial. CBSE, VTU, GTU, Anna University, Mumbai University, and many more Indian universities use the CGPA grading method. A 10.0 CGPA scale is utilised for CBSE students, whereas the scale for other universities ranges from 4.0 to 10.0. You may use the CGPA-to-percentage converter to convert your CGPA to a percentage. This calculator is easily accessible online and produces precise results.
CBSE CGPA to Percentage Calculator
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is India's leading educational authority. Students who have finished their class 10 or 12 examinations would find the CBSE CGPA to Percentage calculator beneficial. The CBSE uses a 10.0 CGPA scale, and the CBSE CGPA to % calculator translates the student's CGPA to a % based on this scale.
GTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator
Gujarat Technological University has developed a detailed conversion standard for calculating one's percentage from CGPA/CPI/SPI. GTU students can convert their CGPA to a percentage by using the formula:
Percentage = (CGPA/SPI/CPI - 0.5) * 10
VTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) students can follow this formula to calculate their percentage by using the CGPA:
Percentage = [CGPA - 0.75] * 10
Delhi University (DU) CGPA to Percentage Calculator
The official announcement for Delhi University's consistent technique of converting CGPA to % was announced on January 11, 2018. Here is the algorithm for calculating % from CGPA for DU students:
Final Percentage = 9.5 x Semester CGPA
Mumbai University (MU) CGPA to Percentage Calculator
Mumbai University's conversion mechanism for CGPA to Percentage was recently revised in 2018 and now specifies multiple-point scales for different programs. MU has made the following key recommendations:
- A 7-point scale is utilised for programs in Pure Sciences, Arts, Commerce, and associated subjects. It calculates the student's "actual marks" as a percentage.
- For Engineering, the CGPA to Percentage conversion is accomplished using the 10 Point Grading System, which is as follows: Percentage = 7.25 * CGPA + 11
KTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator
KTU's calculation technique is likewise relatively simple since it specifies a specific formula for calculating CGPA and then converts it to a percentage.
For example: CGPA = (Ci*GPi)/(Ci)
Ci = Credit granted to a certain course
GPi = Grade Point
Average for the Course
Then after, you can simply calculate the percentage by multiplying CGPA with 9.5
MAKAUT CGPA to Percentage Calculator
MAKAUT (Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology) uses a 7-point grading system. The conversion technique is quite similar to VTU, i.e.
Percentage = [CGPA-0.75]* 10
How to Convert Percentage to CGPA?
To convert a percentage to CGPA, divide the percentage by the conversion factor. The educational institution and grading system varies according to the educational institution. The conversion factor is 9.5 for a 10-point CGPA scale and 5 for a 4-point CGPA scale.
For example, if a student receives an 85% on a test and wishes to translate it to a 10-point CGPA scale, the CGPA equivalent is:
100 / 9.5 = 8.94.
As a result, the student's CGPA equivalent of 85% is 8.94 on a scale of 10.
It's crucial to remember that various educational institutions may employ different conversion factors; thus, verify with your university or refer to their official conversion rules for appropriate conversion.
What are the benefits of using CGPA?
The CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is metric educational institution use to assess a student's overall academic achievement. Among the advantages of adopting CGPA are:
- Clear and concise representation of academic achievement: The CGPA gives a single figure that indicates a student's entire academic performance, which employers, graduate schools, and other educational institutions may readily understand.
- CGPA is an objective measure of academic success since it is based on a standardized grading system that removes subjectivity and gives an objective measure of academic performance.
- Students' motivation to maintain high academic standards: The CGPA motivates students to maintain high academic performance during their careers.
- Simplifies academic performance comparison: Because it gives a standardized measure of academic success, CGPA makes it simple to compare academic performance across various institutions and programs.
- Helps decision-making: Students may utilize their CGPA to make informed judgments about their academic and professional ambitions. For example, a student with a high CGPA may be more likely to get accepted into a competitive graduate school or to land a job in a competitive profession.
What are the disadvantages of using CGPA?
CGPA gives a single figure that indicates a student's overall academic achievement but does not provide extensive information on the student's success in individual courses or specific areas of study.
- Inadequate depiction of student talents: Because CGPA is exclusively focused on academic performance, it may need to adequately reflect a student's abilities or potential. Extracurricular activities, professional experience, and personal attributes can all contribute to a student's success.
- Lack of standardisation: CGPA calculation varies between institutions, making comparing academic achievement across schools and programs difficult.
- Subjectivity in grading: Despite the standardised grading method, subjectivity in the grading process can still occur, affecting the accuracy of the CGPA.
- Overemphasis on grades: A high CGPA can lead to a high-pressure academic atmosphere prioritising grades above learning and personal growth.
Overall, CGPA can be useful for assessing academic success; however, it should be used with other indicators when assessing a student's talents and potential.
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CGPA to Percentage: FAQs
Percentage (%) = 7.1 * CGPA + 11 (CGPA is converted to the percentage at Mumbai University). If you have a CGPA of 6.2, you can convert it to a percentage by multiplying it by 7.1 * 6.2 + 11 to get 55.02 per cent.
CGPA and SGPA computation: CGPA = (Ci x Si) / Ci
(Ci x Gi) / Ci = SGPA (Si)
The formula for converting GPA to Percentage is as follows: Percentage (%)= [CGPA - 0.75] x 10